• IEC Standard Battery Thermal Shock Test Chamber For UL KP-3020-B
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IEC Standard Battery Thermal Shock Test Chamber For UL KP-3020-B

Detail produk:

Place of Origin: china
Nama merek: KingPo
Sertifikasi: iso9001
Model Number: KP-3020-B

Syarat-syarat pembayaran & pengiriman:

Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Harga: To be quoted
Kemasan rincian: paket karton pengaman atau kotak kayu lapis
Waktu pengiriman: 35 hari kerja
Payment Terms: TT
Menyediakan kemampuan: 3 Set Per Bulan
Hubungi sekarang

Informasi Detail

Jenis: Ruang uji simulasi iklim Berat: 80kg
Ruang batin: W65*H92*D53cmc Akurasi Suhu: 0,1 ℃
Stabilitas suhu: ± 1,0 ℃ Keseragaman Suhu: ±2℃

Ruang Uji Baterai


Peralatan Pengujian Baterai


Ruang Uji Guncangan Termal UL KP-3020-B

Deskripsi Produk


Thermal Shock Test Chamber For UL And IEC Standard 


1. Quick Details


Alternative name Battery Thermal Shock Test Chamber
Function Test battery safety capability after suffering impact of hot air
Type Climatic simulating test chamber
Weight 80kg
Internal space W65*H92*D53cm
Corresponding test standard UL2054-2008, UL1642, SJ/T11170, IEC62133, SJ/T11169, GB/T18287, QC/T743, QC/T744


2. Description


The battery thermal shock test chamber is used to test safety capability after suffering hot air shock.

The temperature will be raised at certain speed at certain time, apply hot air cyclic system to ensure average distribution of working temperature.


3. Features


a. The low air pressure tester is used for testing safety capability of lithium battery.

b. The tester is simulating battery suffering environment of hot air shock.

c. Test result is non explosion, no fire, non air leaking, non electrolyte leakage for the qualified battery.


4. Specifications


Model KP-3020-B
Temperature range Normal temperature to 200℃
Temperature accuracy 0.1℃
Temperature stability ±1.0℃
Temperature uniformity ±2℃
Temperature raising time (5±2)℃/min (temperature average raising)
Temperature- controlled meter Programmable, time control for temperature raising time
Internal dimension W*H*D mm W40*H40*D45cm
External dimension W*H*D mm W65*H92*D53cm


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