• IEC60320-1 Clause 16 Figure Switch Tester
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IEC60320-1 Clause 16 Figure Switch Tester

Detail produk:

Place of Origin: China
Nama merek: KingPo
Sertifikasi: Calibration Certificate

Syarat-syarat pembayaran & pengiriman:

Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Harga: To be quoted
Kemasan rincian: paket karton pengaman atau kotak kayu lapis
Payment Terms: T/T
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Informasi Detail

Standard: IEC60320-1, clause 16 figure 12 Power source: 120V,50HZ or 220V,60HZ

electrical socket tester


power socket tester

Deskripsi Produk

IEC60320-1 Clause 16 Figure 12 Coupler Withdrawal Testing Apparatus in Hot Conditions



Product Information:


This testing apparatus confirms to the IEC60320-1, clause 16 figure 12 standard requirement. The construction of appliance couplers shall allow the easy insertion and withdrawal of the connector, and prevent the connector from working out of the appliance inlet in normal use. This device is mainly used to ascertain the maximum force necessary to withdraw the connector from the appliance inlet and the minimum force necessary to withdraw a single pin gauge from the appliance inlet, it can also for testing connectors under hot conditions and very hot conditions.



Technical Parameters:


IEC60320-1 Clause 16 Figure Switch Tester


A. Power source: 120V,50HZ or 220V,60HZ

B. Coupler’s maximum and minimum withdrawal force matching table

IEC60320-1 Clause 16 Figure Switch Tester

C. Coupler’s maximum withdrawal force weights table


Maximum withdrawal force Main weights Supplement weights
50N 45N (with hook) 5N

45N (with hook)


Note: The hook’s weight is included in the 45N weight.

D. Coupler’s minimum withdrawal force weights table


Minimum withdrawal force Weights
1.5N 1.5N weight and 10A live wire and ground single-stage pin gauge
2N 2N weight and 10A live wire and ground single-stage pin gauge
Note: The single-stage pin gauge’s weight is included in the corresponding weight.

E. With standard 10A hot-resistant, 10A and 16A very hot-resistant appliance inlets.



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