• Aluminum Material Light Testing Equipment Lamp String Flexible Rope Winding Test Device
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Aluminum Material Light Testing Equipment Lamp String Flexible Rope Winding Test Device

Detail produk:

Place of Origin: China
Nama merek: KingPo
Sertifikasi: Calibration Certificate

Syarat-syarat pembayaran & pengiriman:

Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Harga: To be quoted
Kemasan rincian: paket karton pengaman atau kotak kayu lapis
Waktu pengiriman: 7 hari kerja
Payment Terms: T/T
Menyediakan kemampuan: 50 pcs per bulan
Hubungi sekarang

Informasi Detail

Equipment material: aluminum material Log diameter: - 250mm
Weight: 60N, 1 Test mode: electric

temperature rise test equipment


led lamp testing equipment

Deskripsi Produk


Lamp String Flexible Rope Winding Test Device​



Equipment overview:
Lamp string soft rope winding test device to meet the IEC60598-2-20:2002, GB7000.9-2008 the 6.14 chapters test requirements and figure 3 requirements made; this device mainly examine sealing lamp on whether have sufficient mechanical strength.


Technical parameters:
The conformity of the rigid lamp string is tested by turns over and over again with each test in the following 45 times:
60N) the tension of the A is applied to the end of the tube abruptly, which lasts 1min.
0.15N (b) m, 1min. torque, with the most unfavorable direction (in question to have the option to be applied to the end of the tube), which is applied to the end of the tube, which can be used in conjunction with a torque device.
The conformity of the soft light string is tested by the following additional tests following the above a and B tests.
Test: the pulling force of the 60N, the hose into a diameter of 250mm cylinder, the number of winding and the ambient temperature of the test according to the following


- IP20 lamp string 25 C + 5 C 10
IP20 lamp string above 25 C + 5 C 10
Then 15 - 5 Deg. C 10
Equipment material: aluminum material;
Log diameter: - 250mm;
Weight: 60N, 1;
Test mode: electric;
Test times: 1-99999 times can be preset.

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